
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico

Integrated Ecosystem Management Program in Indigenous Peoples (PMIIE) (SMEs)

Year: 2009- 2010 | Developing a strategy for organizational strengthening of the Community Tourism Network driven by the Coordinating Association of Indigenous and Peasant Agro-forestery Communitary in Central America (ACICAFOC).
Description of services provided:

• Development of the work plan.

• Development of an instrument for fieldwork.

• Applying tools in 7 countries in Central America.

• Systematization of fieldwork information.

• Design a strategy to strengthen the Rural Community Tourism Network according to the findings of the seven countries visited. (Identify internal and external factors, partial recommendations for strategy implementation).

• Recommend a case of rural Community Based tourism initiative as an example model.




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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

Central America | Emails: info@solucionturisticasostenible.com | robertobacaplazaola@yahoo.com
Costa Rica: +506 8353-0358 | Panamá: +507 6545-4553 | Nicaragua: +505 7808-2664
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