
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico

For better understanding of our services we offer four different areas of participation, which facilitates the viewing of various options that can provide solutions to the needs of your company, organization, community or institution, understand these as macro such as (targeting institutions, local governments, and nongovernmental organizations), middle such as (strengthening the organizations skills and abilities with public and private participation) and micro such as (tourism initiatives) and systematization of experiences.. Note that due to the characteristics of the sector various themes are linked transversely.

Our service offer includes:

1) Participation Level 1 (Macro):

Sustainable Development Models, Territorial Planning, Design of Tours and Circuits, Policy and Strategies Designing , Political Advocacy, Target Brands, Marketing, Destination Management and Development, Analysis and Evaluation of Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Tourism Development, Design and Implementation of Quality Programs and Knowledge Management.
2) Participation Level 2 (Middle):

Organization and Participation in National and International business, Participation in National and International Fairs, Business Plans, Organizational Strengthening, Strategic Plans, Value Chain Analysis, Formulation and Evaluation of Projects, Diagnostic of Companies, SMEs, micro enterprises, cooperative consortia , Associations, Cooperatives, Networks, Federations Marketing and Commercialization, Logistics and Organizations of Events, Administration, Geo-referencing, Sustainable Tourism Product Development, Procedure Manuals, Training Programs, Support and Technical assistance.

3) Level 3 Intervention (Micro):

Developing Products Manual and Catalog Sales, Prospecting and Market Segmentation / Customer, Ranking Chain Market Distribution , Information Technology and Communication, Implementation of Best Practices for Sustainable Tourism, Administration, Human Resources, Sales and Economic Sustainability, Touristic Chains Outside organizations, Suppliers, Quality, Competitiveness and Complementarily of services.

4) Participation Level 4 (Systematization of Experiences and Proposed boarding):

Comparison and Analysis of Tourist Development Models (Benchmarking), Workshops and Seminars of socialization of the Information, Publications, Exchange of Experiences Between Initiatives, Manuals to obtain legal paperwork - license, permits, certifications and operation of tourism business.

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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

Central America | Emails: info@solucionturisticasostenible.com | robertobacaplazaola@yahoo.com
Costa Rica: +506 8353-0358 | Panamá: +507 6545-4553 | Nicaragua: +505 7808-2664
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