
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico

Tourist Agro Farms Project Nicaragua Tourist Agro Farms Project Nicaragua (PFATN).

Year: 2010 |Organizational Diagnosis – Enterprise of 40 beneficiary organizations Project Farms Agro Tourism Nicaragua.
Description services provided:

• "Diagnosing the organizational model and legality of Tourist selected Agro Farms"

• Determination of the characteristics of the current infrastructure, including housing units, public areas, beds, equipment, gourmet options , transportation, and entertainment.

• Analysis of the technical capabilities of existing human resources, including administrative and operational staff, training level, coaching, personnel rotation, and customer service.

• Evaluation of the administrative system used so far, determining whether there are statistical records, financial statements, knowledge of costs, fees and profit margin on the products and services offered among others.

• Analysis of the level of product development, identifying the products, their level of acceptance among customers and their level of quality in relation to competition.

• Analysis of marketing actions carried out to date, current rates, marketing channels, business partnerships and existing tourist packages.

• Identification of barriers or constraints for better marketing of existing tourism products and services and / or creating new ones.

• Report of the consulting route with corresponding designs proposals.




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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

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