
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico
Organizational Management

Organizational strengthening seeks the creation and development of skills and capabilities, at group and individual level to solve problems and effectively fulfill the mission of the organization, within the time determined by the stakeholders.

Moreover, the systematization of experiences is a theoretical and methodological process, from ordering that evaluation, analysis, interpretation and reflection seek to build knowledge and change in practice, aimed at strengthening organizational projects or processes.



Organizational Strengthening

Strategic Planning

Formulation, evaluation and systematization of development projects

Design and implementation of Quality Programs

Training programs, monitoring and technical assistance

Best Practices for Sustainable Tourism

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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

Central America | Emails: info@solucionturisticasostenible.com | robertobacaplazaola@yahoo.com
Costa Rica: +506 8353-0358 | Panamá: +507 6545-4553 | Nicaragua: +505 7808-2664
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