
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico
Promotion and Marketing

At STS we are aware that the materialisation of business is what gives real meaning to all entrepreneurial efforts. And that the most efective way to achieve this goal begins from the moment of the creation a product or a tourist destination. For who? To whom?. These are the questions that must be answered before launching a business, and if it was not done at the beginning , it's time to stop along the way to answer these two questions which in the end turn into one: What is the target market? And afterwards, How to reach this market? How to stay current in the market? STS offers you its expertise to achieve the ideal of every responsible tourist company: To be commercially successful in a sustainable way!


Marketing & Trading

Sustainable Tourism Product Development

Business Plans

Marketing and Sales Plan.

Design and development of tourism brands

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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

Central America | Emails: info@solucionturisticasostenible.com | robertobacaplazaola@yahoo.com
Costa Rica: +506 8353-0358 | Panamá: +507 6545-4553 | Nicaragua: +505 7808-2664
Soul Web Design